The vanguard

I’m afraid I’ve been unable to make a coherent post about the subject of the thread I’m sure a few of you reading this recently found this blog in. I got quite far in, I had a good three or four paragraphs written at one point, but I just kept getting lost down these stupid tangents about the validity of surveys that claim to represent a greater population and stuff like that. I wasn’t able to actually look at that particular study, because you need to create an account on some site and I don’t want to, but I read the shitty Washington Post article the graphs were from and was unimpressed. You can look for it if you want, but I’m not going to put a link just so they can get a few more shekels and they’ve found a way around people putting their articles through as well. Anyway other people in the thread already pointed out a lot of the problems with the study.

So there’s this idea that there’s a rise in people not having sex, and in particular young men. What’s amusing is that it has only recently become something that is no longer fringe to talk about, as I said there was a Washington Post article talking about this. If you’d even suggested such a phenomenon existed a few years ago you’d be seen as a weirdo virgin or something. I mean the thread yesterday (probably not yesterday anymore by the time I finish writing this), minus the mainstream article (and study it talks about) linked, wouldn’t have seemed out of place in like 2014 or 2015. People say r9k has changed, but it really hasn’t, there’s another thread up right now again about the exact same thing. Now back in 2014 or 2015 I would have kind of just gone along with the same assumed reasons for this (and every problem) that are always posted several times in response to the OP. See it’s like a weird game we all play, redoing the same conversations over and over, like a pantomime. For whatever reason though, maybe because I’ve been away from r9k for a good few months and thinking about other things, I had a different take this time.

What I wanted to get around to saying, the point I planned to end on, is that I think a lot of people actually want this to be true and are therefore willing to accept the result of this survey without questioning it. Which gets into a deeper issue, in fact maybe doing this in reverse will help me explain myself better. By the way I just want to say I do believe there is an increase in people not getting laid or whatever, I’m just wary of going overboard. I think it’s probably less than people think, and I also want to make a distinction between some beta normie guy who doesn’t get laid very often and an actual khv or incel or whatever you want to call them. I care about the latter, they’re my guys, I don’t really care about the former. Yet both would be lumped in together by this study, and a lot of the incels who want to feel less alone in their plight will go along with this as I’ve said. The distinction is important because, even if you’re the opposite of me and you think incels are scum and want the other group to be happier, you’ll help neither if you try to help both.

For me to explain why I need to first talk about what it is that defines this plight or experience of inceldom. So oftentimes there’s this joke that is made, how can incels exist when prostitutes exist? HAHA GET IT? Now none of the people it’s aimed at take that seriously, but I don’t even think that most of the people who make those kind of jokes do either. Some do however, you do get people trying to make the same point not as a joke, but they’re a small minority of people. You know the type, the kind to say something like “dude sex is just putting a penis in a vagina lole how can you care so much about it?” thinking they’re making some kind of clever point.

Sure you might say that using a term like “incel” kind of does make it more about sex, and can you blame people for assuming therefore that’s the point of the term, but I think the success of that name over others is more for gatekeeping purposes. I did intend to write a whole post about that but I never got around to it. The thing is those things were being said before when these online groups were using names that left them more open to infiltration like “foreveralone”, “TFL” (which is a bit before my time) or “robot”. Even on r9k which was kind of adjacent to those spaces, though people will deny it because it wasn’t always that way, the term robot did after a while (around 2013 or 2014) kind of become another synonym for this kind of person. Now “robot” as a term certainly doesn’t mention sex and yet this point came up even there.

No the thing that makes an incel isn’t the fact that they’re not getting laid, it’s the things that result from and the reasons for them not getting laid. That’s what they talk about, that’s what they bond over, that’s what matters. It’s not really the lack of sex itself, defining themselves by that is sort of a way of them filtering out people who aren’t going through the same things. Because the problems that they have, like I said, are either leading to them being unable to find sex and companionship or are a result of that. See before when using other terms you always got infiltrators and by putting this filter up you can kind of take away the ability for those people to infest and destroy another place to talk and bond.

After all, what is sex about really? To me it doesn’t seem to be about the act itself, frankly I think that’s something you can take or leave, although I will admit I do seem to have a rather low libido. I fell for the nofap meme for a while, and while all the posts and videos I’ve seen about it talk about how it’s incredibly difficult and you get all these urges, I had no difficulty at all. I could easily never do it again, maybe it’s because I’m depressed? I’ve also just figured it out from hearing people talk about how much more desirous they are both in real life growing up and online, maybe there’s something wrong with me I don’t know. Multiple friends back in school told me that I seemed kind of asexual, which isn’t true it’s not like I don’t want to, I just don’t need to.

So I’m not saying that incels or robots or whatever new term may come into use don’t care about sex, I’m kind of an unusual case. My experience is of r9k, I’ve only actually visited a couple times to lurk and the same for any other forum or imageboard of the same variety like wizchan, and yes there are always a lot of threads about sexual frustration but I’m convinced that that’s not what most of these people are preoccupied with. It’s a secondary concern, but if you spend hours every day in this place you’ll end up talking about secondary and tertiary concerns after a while. These sites are where people go to let off steam, they talk about all kinds of things.

No, to have not had sex means that in some abstract way (because of contraception and birth control and so on) that you have been deemed unworthy of existence. Because it is ultimately just the means of reproduction and while most sex being had in the western world today isn’t for that purpose it still is recognised in that way in a figurative sense. People have not evolved to conceive of sex differently than they have for the last couple hundred thousand years in a few decades, they can only recognise consciously that “safe sex” isn’t the same thing. Not that this stuff is even something most kids give any thought to when they’re first starting to get into relationships anyway. We all unconsciously recognise that you’ve essentially been deemed unworthy of passing your genes on, that who you are in the most fundamental sense shouldn’t be a part of the greater human project going forward. Yes, nowadays more in a metaphorical sense but that doesn’t really matter.

I mean why is there such a huge obsession with the word “virgin”, generally speaking here. I’m talking about society as a whole. It’s an incredibly common schoolyard insult, it’s almost an inevitability that someone gets called it in any internet argument (quite fitting that it’s recently been systematised you could jokingly say by the “have sex” meme), it’s something no one wants to be called. Do I really need to explain this to anyone? That losing your virginity has become the rite of passage for the modern age. Which is also why it’s only really an insult used against men, because having sex is only an actual challenge for men. Not that it was always this way, the word virgin used to be used only for women, think of the 72 virgins that are promised to muslims in paradise, and yet that has gradually become reversed and now the word is almost masculine gendered you could say. Isn’t that interesting? I’m sure I could go on a whole long tangent about it.

See, “I want to lose my virginity” is a phrase that is very common among teenage boys. It’s not “I want to have sex, I want to experience what it’s like” although I’m sure they all do. No, of primary importance is “losing your virginity”, because that is ultimately what makes you a man in today’s world and the respect you earn is what matters more so than the act. A lot of robots refer to themselves as the bottom of the barrel, or something similar, omega males, the dregs of humanity, the bottom 1%, and so on. Now you get men who are uglier, who are mentally and physically weaker, who are more awkward, who are more cowardly, more bitter etc. than a lot of them, but they are men. Those men are the ones who are getting laid less often, they’re the growing demographic.

The percentage of young men not having sex may have gone up (although I will say again, even that is being exaggerated I believe) in the US and seemingly across the rest of the occident, but the number of male virgins isn’t really. I can’t find the exact stats, frankly it’s impossible to find a study with both a large sample size that also has an accurate demographic representation. At least, for a layman like me with no academic qualifications or access I can’t find anything that I really think is that trustworthy. Yet, all the smaller studies and things I find and have seen posted over the years do pretty much universally say that over the age of 25 something like less than 1% of men are still virgins. So just because similar numbers are so universal across all of these surveys and polls and such I think we can say that is close to accurate. I think we can say that to be a male virgin past your early 20s is incredibly unusual.

Now I’ve talked about school shootings and similar kinds of violence a few times, and I think I have a unique take. Now I never endorsed it but I will be honest I wouldn’t do anything to prevent it either if I somehow could. Yet I’ve been thinking, maybe some people actually do understand these acts in the same way I do. Now this is a bit “out there”, and I’m not even sure I believe this myself but it’s something to consider. The term incel only really became a mainstream thing around last spring/ summer, but it had been in use for many years before that, in fact I’m pretty sure Elliot used it. This sudden change is of course because of Alek Minassian, who openly referred to himself that way. So after that there was a big scare and it was funny for all of us to see the cable news boomers trying to make sense of chan lingo as always, but I think this time was different. The hacker known as 4chan has been getting segments on news channels for a decade, but this actually took off among real people. Incels, a group that no one seems to be able to define, were apparently a terrorist group now.

So there was some buzz about that for a while, you can say it was a trending topic… ugh, but then it died down a bit. Now a little time has passed and you start to notice mainstream publications like The Washington Post (but there are others, I remember a Daily Mail one specifically) all coming out with articles about this supposed decline in sex rates and specifically among the young male demographic. It’s almost like an attempt to pacify this small group of incels by leading them to believe they’re part of a larger group all suffering from a specific modern phenomenon rather than just the same tiny subsection of the population they always have been. No, such a phenomenon may exist but the incel situation is something separate. The only change for them is the fact that thanks to the internet they can now get together and form communities of a sort and that may lead to some kind of intellectual evolution regarding how they see themselves and society, which as you’re all aware we do live in.

There doesn’t really seem to be any kind of incel ideology despite what a lot of clickbaity youtube videos and news headlines might imply. At most you could maybe say that a lot of self identified incels, which aren’t necessarily all of them, believe in some idea of the blackpill. There’s also the whole lookism thing which I think is very interesting, and certainly no one else is talking about it, but maybe it’s seen as more of a big deal among that community than it really is. Or a better way of putting it would be to say that a lot of incels gravitate to it as the single explanation for their predicament and I just think that’s not the case. There’s rarely one single explanation for any phenomenon in life.

Now it’s pretty far fetched to suggest that there’s actually a deliberate conspiracy going on, I don’t honestly think that’s the case. It’s weird that this is suddenly a more mainstream topic, but if there was a real agenda you’d think they’d put a bit more effort in. I mean I’m just a dumb wageslave writing these extended effortposts in my free time and I was able to write something more substantive on the subject. No, there’s probably not any conspiracy for you to find here. It’s just funny that there could be, and going through it illustrates something. That the incels are likely to be more docile if they don’t realise how tiny and despised they really are.


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